Malachi chapter 1:2
"I have loved you,"
says the LORD.
But you say,
"How have you loved us?"
It sent shivers down my spine when I read these words. I felt myself wince a little bit, mostly because I know I have at least thought these words during certain times in the past.
What I find so overwhelming from this passage is how God takes comments like these very very seriously. Asking God a simple "where are You?" no longer becomes something I can easily blurt out. I feel that, always, we are put into seasons in our life where we are be crying out for God to fill our lives with His presence in some way or another. However, sometimes this becomes distorted from its original position of helplessness/reliance to the point where we are now demanding His response, completely forgetting how unworthy we are of His presence. Fear of the Lord and reverence are out the window. And yes, while the fact remains that we are the children of God, there was and is nothing done on our part for us to earn that title; and it's only by the blood of Jesus that we enter into this family.
(Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God... Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few.")
I am realizing, (and I hope you do too), that our complaint will come in many different forms, probably in such ways where Satan would have us think we are merely "crying out to God." On the contrary, these are merely sugar coated blasphemies which bring down the immeasurable goodness and faithfulness of God. Instead of the pleasing sound of thirsty souls crying out for more of His presence (Is 55:1-2), He is met with the cries of unsatisfied, underdeveloped Christians who have yet to be weened from their immature tastes and pallets.
Our blindness to His love and affection creates a natural disdain for His worship, and it will soon become burdensome. Somewhere, somehow, blindness has crept in, and we have lost the fear and revere of His glory/being.
The greatness of His glory and grace DEMAND our life, our all.
If for ANY moment we are unwilling to give that, it is only because we have lost our sight on the beautiful treasure, that is, knowing Christ. (Matt 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.) In his JOY! In his joy he sells ALL that he has! Yet, in Malachi 1:13, God's people moan, "what a weariness this is," when they are called to worship and give to God.
Let's bring it back and end it where we started, an unsatisfied people.
A great example of some of the most fantastic complainers in the entire Bible are found in Exodus, when God is leading the Israelites through the wilderness. There is a distinct cycle where they travel, eventually become tired, cry out and complain, where then God provides, and then repeats.
So why do you and I, like the Israelites, so many times stumble into this snare, seeking self pity and embracing doubt? God is not a god who takes His attributes lightly, namely His faithfulness. How many times in the old testament does the Lord point out how unfaithful Israel has been, and how faithful He's been? Too many. Therefore, let us know the true fear of Lord.
Mal 1: 6
"A son honors his father, and a servant his master.
If then I am a father, where is my honor?
And if I am a master, where is my fear?"
says the LORD of hosts to you..."
We ask for forgiveness
We need forgiveness
There has been such a lack of reverence in our actions and lives
We acknowledge this depravity and turn to You
Oh lead me to the rock that is higher than I
You are stronger, You are greater!
Save me from ignorance
And lead my paths in the knowledge of truth
How my lips long to praise You as they aught!
My body fails, my soul faints
Yet I am continually before You
You hold my right hand