Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why missions?

Suppose God formed the world in His desire to be glorified.
And suppose He allowed creation to make a choice in how to glorify Him.
But suppose creation decided it was unsatisfied with this perfect relationship, and it would worship itself, instead of God.

Now, suppose the Father, in His might, strode forth to beckon His creation back to Him.
Suppose the Father displayed His power and splendor to the nations, holding out His hands to a people who only scorned and mocked Him with golden animals and stone statues.

So then, suppose the Son, seeing the people did not love God, decided to show them how to love God, and stooped down and came face to face with them.
Suppose that He told them He was going back to the Father, who loved them dearly, and He desired that all should follow Him.
But who would have supposed they would have killed Him for that?

However! Suppose! Suppose the Father, Son, and Spirit had planned this from the beginning.
And suppose the Son, as He returned to the Father, passed the Spirit on its track to earth, and whispered, "Hurry, for I'll be returning soon."
I would suppose it would be to reward those whom the Spirit has touched, and awakened to new life; and finally repay those who revile and hate God.

I suppose that would mean I should plead for the Spirit to guide me ever to Jesus.
I suppose that would mean I have no reason to worry or hide, for I do suppose the Father and the Son have already planned our meeting in heaven.
I suppose this means that Jesus Christ, who lives in me, passionately wishes to present me, His work, to the Father as a jewel, a fine stone!

Oh, but look! The earth, it shutters with its dying breath to take hold of what? A deteriorating, decaying, unattainable lust? Unaware of the Father and Son and Spirit's hand, still held out as one last offering of redemption.
And do you suppose I should rest in ease, while such love is being squandered?